Enthalpy Of Precipitation of Silver Halides

You can explore Enthalpy Of Precipitation of Silver Halides: Chemistry IA. This can be a good IA because it has a hands-on experiment opportunity. In this IA you need to explore the precipitation of different silver halides from group 7 halogens. You can measure the enthalpy change of the precipitation of each silver halide.
The Enthalpy Of Precipitation of Silver Halides: An Investigation for IB Chemistry IA
This IB Chemistry IA Investigation is perfect for those looking to explore The Enthalpy of Precipitation of Silver Halides. Discover all you need to know about this topic here!
Investigating the enthalpy of precipitation of silver halides is a common and practical Internal Assessment (IA) topic for IB Chemistry. In this guide, we’ll look at what factors affect the enthalpy change, how to calculate this value from given trial data, and understand detailed observations you have made from experiments.

Experiment Details: Background information, Variables and Supplies and Protocols.
For this investigation, you will have to observe the enthalpy change that takes place when aqueous solutions of silver ions (Ag+) and halide ions (Cl-, Br-, I-) are mixed. The principal product of such reaction is a silver halide salt which gains stability as the reaction progresses. Therefore, the enthalpy change should be negative for precipitation reactions like this. To measure it you will need to record the temperature change as two solutions are combined with and without an insulation device in place.

Collecting and Analyzing Data for the Investigation.
Once you have properly set up your equipment, the first step will be to collect data. Start by setting up a burette containing the AgNO3 solution and a second burette filled with the chloride, bromide or iodide salt solution that you wish to analyze. Measure out 10 mL of each of these solutions in two separate beakers placing them both in an insulated tray so that losses of heat are minimized during the experiment. Record the initial temperature before combining these two solutions and then slowly add one drop at a time (using the volumetric pipettes) while stirring constantly. After each drop is added, record the temperature again and repeat until all 10 mL has been used.

Drawing Conclusion from Predictions and Results.
Once all of your data has been collected and thoroughly analyzed, you can draw a conclusion from the prediction that was made at the start of the experiment. Compare the results to what is expected in theory and reflect on any observed discrepancies. It is important to ensure that you have included details on how your results confirm/refute your initial hypotheses as well as providing an answer to the title question. Additionally, be sure to explain why there were gathered results and whether or not any precautions could be taken for future trials that would enhance accuracy.

Discussion, Evaluation, and Further Research Suggestions.
After having analyzed the data collected from this IB Chemistry IA experiment, it is possible to draw a conclusion as to whether or not the initial prediction was correct. Additionally, discussion of ways that accuracy could have been improved are necessary in order for an effective evaluation of the process to be completed. It is also important to consider and suggest further research tasks or experiments related to The Enthalpy of Precipitation of Silver Halides for evaluation purposes. Hope you can now perform The Enthalpy Of Precipitation of Silver Halides: An Investigation for IB Chemistry IA.

You should buy and read this book on IB DP Chemistry IA.

You can also read other chemistry IA Ideas here.

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