PPT 2.1 The nuclear atom has the following keywords,
Discrete,Orbit,Plank’s Constant, Subatomic, Protones, Neutrons, Electrons,Abundance,Average Relative Atomic Mass
This PPT 2.1 The nuclear atom aligns with the IB Diploma Chemistry Guide. It covers the past paper questions on this subtopic.
Objectives: This PPT enables the students to apply their learning to : deduce the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in atoms and ions using the nuclear symbol notation. They can calculate the average relative atomic mass of an atoms considering the % abundance of isotopes.
Guidance: Though the masses and charges of electrons, protons and electrons are given in section 4 of latest IB chemistry data booklet but the students should know them. The students need not to know the different examples of isotopes however they can refer to the uses of radioisotopes.
The operation of the mass spectrometer is not required.

Question: If the % abundance of Isotopes of Chlorine Cl35 and Cl37 are 75% and 25% respectively. Can you determine the average relative atomic mass of Cl?
Question:If 11Na23 is the nuclear symbol of Sodium, deduce the number of electrons, protons and neutrons in the atom.
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